Inilah projek yang sedang saya kendalikan..dan inilah projek yang menjadi antara batu asas untuk meletakkan tarbiyah Islamiyah di tempat yang selayaknya..
The Selangor International Islamic University College Malaysia (KUIS), The Islamic Academy Cambridge and The National Scholars Association Malaysia (ILMUAN) is organizing the The 7th World Conference on Muslim Education (World-COME2009) on December 21-23, 2009 at the Blue Wave Hotel, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia. We would be honored to have you as a keynote speaker at this exciting event (
The theme of the conference will be “Globalization: Its Impacts on & Challenges to Education in the Muslim World”. Findings, conclusions and action plans resulting from our conference will be published in Journals and conference proceeding forwarded to educational organization to help them improve the quality, productivity and performance of Islamic education in the Muslim world.